Greenhouse Days with Pachypodium Geayi

The succulents in our greenhouse are enjoying the warm weather (as are us humans!)

The big guy in the gray pot in the middle is a Pachypodium geayi. We have many seedlings of this variety for sale and it’s one of our favourites.

Native to Madagascar, it can grow to be tree size in the wild. Very well adapted to a dry, stark environment, the trunk is up to 91% full of water and the trunk and branches can also photosynthesize in addition to the leaves. The spines help collect dew or fog, as well as protect the plant from hungry (or thirsty) animals.

P. geayi is not a difficult plant to grow and can be happy inside by a sunny window all year. It enjoys, but doesn’t require, some time outside in the summer but be careful it’s not out in temperatures below 10C. It likes regular water in the summer, as long as it dries out pretty well in between waterings. It’s also deciduous (just like a maple!) and may lose some or all it’s leaves in the winter, but they should grow back in the spring.

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