Toronto & Quebec Cactus & Succulent Sales/Shows

Due to some lucky timing in August, we managed to catch the annual Toronto Cactus & Succulent Show and Sale, as well as the first annual Quebec Cactus & Succulent Show and Sale.

The Toronto event is run by the Toronto Cactus & Succulent Club and is held at the Toronto Botanical Garden, while the new Quebec show and sale – the ‘Salon Quebecois des Cactus et Succulentes’ – is run by the Serres Lavoie Garden Centre in Laval, near Montreal.

The Quebec show had more of a party atmosphere and was super busy – they like their succulents in Quebec!

Many impressive plants were on display and many hobbyist sellers had rare and unusual succulents for sale – most at reasonable prices.

Below are some photos from both events. First, Toronto:

It’s all in the presentation!
Pachypodium succulentum
Gasteria armstrongii

A sampling from the Quebec show/sale:

Once again, presentation matters!
Serres Lavoie Garden Centre
Gasteria variety, looking good
Nicely variegated specimen
A magnificent Pachypodium lamerei

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