Waking Up

Our cacti and other succulents are still in the process of waking up here in the northland (aka Canada.) They’re spending their days out in the greenhouse, but most have to still come back in the house at the end of the day due to low nighttime temperatures. That should change over the next little bit though…which I’m looking forward to, as it’s a lot of work to carry them back and forth every day.

Our pachypodiums and adeniums are growing new leaves as they exit the winter dormancy stage, and our Echinopsis “flambeau” is budded out with flowers.

In the last blog entry, I mentioned we’d be shipping plants soon. That’s been delayed due to various reasons, but we will be at some farmer’s markets in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia on occasional dates over the summer. Our first being June 17 at the picturesque North Mountain Farmer’s market overlooking the Bay of Fundy. We’ll have a big stock of plants – see you there!

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